


     任何标有”**”的问题是关键问题,如果其结果是”No”,会导致审核结果为”不能接受 / 不合规”
(Based on a minimum sampling size of documents and visual observation only)(只依据最小量的文件抽样和现场观察)

** 1. Forced Labour: Based on record review and visual observation, does the facility management refrain from unlawful measures: through mental coercion, physical coercion, document retention, or by requiring $ deposits,restricting any worker’s desire to leave or terminate their own employment freely by choice?
强迫劳动: 根据记录与观察,工厂是否未采用非法措施限制员工自由离开工厂或终止合同?例如精神上的协迫,体罚,扣压证件,或收取压金等.

** 2. Discrimination: Based on record review and visual observation, does the facility refrain from discrimination against any worker for reason of race, religion, age,gender, or sexual orientation?
歧视: 根据记录与观察,工厂是否未针对种族,宗教,年龄,性别或性取向存在任何歧视?

** 3. Employee Age: Based on record review and visual observation, are all local, state and federal minimum age laws being met; including those related to employment of apprenticeship, permanent, part-time, temporary and casual employees with adequate proof of age records maintained?
员工年龄: 根据记录与观察,员工年龄是否符合当地法律要求?包括学徒工,固定员工,兼职工,临时工等,并保存有足够的年龄证明

4. Young Worker Protection: Based on record review and visual observation, are young workers (who have not reached the age of 18) protected according to laws and regulations such as not engaging in unsafe work, no night work at 20:00 – 08:00, with regular health check?
未成年工保护: 根据记录与观察,未成年工(未满18 岁)是否已根据法规的规定进行保护?例如不从事危险工种,不上夜班(20:00-8:00),定期进行体检.

5. Daily time records: Based on record review, are daily time records thoroughly and accurately maintained for all employees including piece rate workers?
考勤记录: 根据记录,是否保存所有员工(包括计件员工)每日的考勤记录,并且是完整和准确的?

** 6. Minimum Wage: Based on record review, are all employees especially piece rate workers provided with wages not less than current minimum wage level?

** 7. Overtime premium: Based on record review, are all employees including piece rate workers provided with legal overtime premium?
加班工资: 根据记录,是否提供所有员工包括计件工人合法的加班工资?

8. Paid Leave Benefits: Based on record review, are all employees provided with paid leave benefits according to applicable laws and regulations?
有薪假期: 根据记录,是否按照法规提供有薪假给所有员工?

9. Hours of Work: Based on record review, do the working hours of workers comply with the requirement of the client (maximum 60 weekly per employee at nonpeak season, maximum 72 at peak season but limited to 16 weeks with 72 in a year)?
工作时间:根据记录,基层工人工作时间是否满足客户要求?(淡季每人最多60 小时/周,旺季每人最多72 小时/周,且一年中旺季最长时间为16 周)

10. One day off per Week: Based on record review, are all employees received at least one day (24 hours) off per week on average in a month?
每周休息一天: 根据记录,所有员工在一个月中平均每周至少休息一天(连续24 小时)?

11. Fire Fighting Equipment: Based on visual observation and record review, does the facility equip with adequate and functional fire fighting equipment at all workshops?
防火设施:根据观察与记录, 工厂是否在所有生产场所配备了足够的有效的防火设施?

12. First Aid Kit: Based on visual observation, does the facility equip with first aid kit at least one at each production floor?

13. Health & Safety: Based on visual observation, does the facility work environment appear to eradicate any immediate or other critical health & safety risks to workers?
健康安全: 根据观察,工厂是否消除了所有会对工人产生即时或其它致命的健康安全隐患?

14. Personal Protective Equipment: Based on visual observation, are all employees working under unsafe conditions wearing appropriate personal protective equipment?
个人防护用品: 根据观察,在不安全条件下工作的员工是否穿戴了合适的个人防护用品?

15. Instruction to Auditor: If facility management were unable or unwilling to provide SGS auditor(s) with access to requested documents related to any of the above compliance question, “No” will be marked.
审核员指引: 如果工厂管理层不能或不愿意提供任何与上述问题相关文件记录,将会标记’NO”.


NBCUniversal验厂咨询 H&M验厂咨询 麦当劳McDonald's验厂咨询 可口可乐验厂咨询 迪卡侬验厂咨询 KFC验厂咨询 BJ's验厂咨询 Big Lots验厂咨询 Kroger验厂咨询 OMEGA验厂咨询 EcoVadis&TFS-CI可持续发展验厂咨询 Michales验厂咨询 New Balance验厂咨询 BSCI验厂咨询 Costco验厂咨询 WCA验厂咨询 C&A验厂咨询 联合利华验厂咨询 PVH验厂咨询 RBA(EICC)咨询 Primark验厂咨询 Lowes验厂咨询 Loreal验厂咨询 CVS验厂咨询 Kohl's咨询 Jcpenney验厂咨询 利丰验厂咨询 VF验厂咨询 Levi's验厂咨询 Adidas验厂咨询 C-TPAT验厂咨询 AVON验厂咨询 TESCO验厂咨询 Sears验厂咨询 Homedepot验厂咨询 Inditex集团验厂 TJX验厂咨询 Target验厂咨询 Disney验厂咨询 Carrefour验厂咨询 Walmart验厂咨询 Sedex验厂咨询 WRAP认证咨询 woolworths验厂咨询 IKEA宜家验厂咨询 Office Depot验厂咨询 Auchan欧尚验厂咨询 麦德龙Mattel验厂咨询 M&S玛莎验厂咨询 Argos验厂咨询 Bestseller验厂咨询 CK验厂咨询 GUESS验厂咨询 Boots验厂咨询 Macy's验厂咨询 BB&B验厂咨询 Asics验厂咨询 Abercrombie & Fitch验厂咨询 Casino验厂咨询 Saks验厂咨询 Nordstrom验厂咨询 HUGO BOSS验厂咨询 宝丽来验厂咨询 E-Mart易买得验厂咨询 Electrolux验厂咨询 Dollar General验厂咨询 NEXT验厂咨询 雅诗兰黛验厂咨询 Mattel美泰验厂咨询 星巴克验厂咨询 Nike验厂咨询 Coles Myer验厂咨询 Safeway验厂咨询 RPM验厂咨询 LTO验厂咨询 Bon-ton验厂咨询 ALDI(阿尔迪)验厂咨询 宝洁(P&G)验厂咨询 ZARA验厂咨询 Claire's验厂咨询 GAP验厂咨询 Arcadia Group验厂咨询 AEON永旺验厂咨询 Staples验厂咨询 PUMA验厂咨询 Burberry验厂咨询 Concept 4验厂咨询 Big Time验厂咨询 BestBuy验厂咨询 Hasbro(孩之宝)验厂咨询 其它验厂咨询 优衣库(UNIQLO)验厂咨询 Tween Brands验厂咨询 GPC验厂咨询 SLCP社会劳工整合项目咨询 Justice验厂咨询 SANMAR验厂咨询 Autozone验厂咨询 Mothercare验厂咨询 ToysRUs验厂咨询 WILKINSON验厂咨询 E-TASC验厂咨询 Reebok验厂咨询 LV验厂咨询 TSC验厂咨询 飞利浦(PHILIPS)验厂咨询 FLA验厂咨询 ADEO安达屋验厂咨询 GMI验厂咨询 Floor&Décor验厂咨询 ANF验厂咨询 AGS&ICM验厂咨询 UVEX验厂咨询 Shopko验厂咨询 Amazon亚马逊验厂咨询 TCM(Tchibo)验厂咨询 ACCO验厂咨询 Pimkie验厂咨询 CTC验厂咨询 Mango芒果验厂咨询 Debenhams验厂咨询 Quiksilver验厂咨询 COC验厂咨询 BanDai(万代)验厂咨询 BeBe(碧碧)验厂咨询 Bernard(伯纳德)验厂咨询 Danfoss(丹佛斯)验厂咨询 Kmart验厂咨询 Simon西蒙验厂咨询 万宝路(Marlboro)验厂咨询 laundry品牌验厂咨询 DCK验厂咨询 ASDA验厂咨询 Ann Taylor安泰勒验厂咨询 Diesel(迪赛)验厂咨询 Esprit埃斯普利特验厂 Conforama验厂咨询 Family Dollar验厂咨询 Morrisons验厂咨询 RUSTA验厂咨询 B&Q百安居验厂咨询 CHICO'S验厂咨询 COLES GROUP验厂咨询 Kellwood验厂咨询 Aramark验厂咨询 Mervyns验厂咨询 Hallmark豪马验厂咨询 Kiabi凯家衣验厂 HBI&HANES验厂咨询 J.Crew验厂咨询 SCS沃尔玛反恐验厂 Contempo验厂咨询 Kappa卡帕验厂咨询 Timberland(添柏岚)验厂咨询 LEGO乐高验厂咨询 AMER SPORTS亚玛芬验厂咨询 HBC哈德逊湾验厂咨询 JAG琼斯验厂咨询 UMBRO茵宝验厂咨询 POLO保罗验厂咨询 Liz Claiborne丽诗加邦验厂咨询 PetSmart验厂咨询 OTTO-HERMES验厂咨询 Walgreen沃尔格林验厂咨询 Joann store验厂咨询

WRAP认证分为白金、黄金和银级证书;获得每个级别证书都有一定的要求以及一些WRAP认证决不能出现的不符合,以下分别进行说明: 白金证


工厂如果要申请BSCI验厂,必须有几个条件 1.您的客户必须是BSCI的会员之一,目前BSCI有800名左右的会员(截止2012年8月


迪斯尼FAMA产生的背景和作用 主要是现在出于全球反恐的考虑,美国是不允许


图文详解Sedex的供应商如何登陆系统发布自己的Sedex验厂报告: 1) 首先登录系统:https://sedexadvan


引申:房产证能代替建筑工程验收合格证吗? 房产证是指权属人通过自建、交易取得建筑的合法所有权,可依法对建筑行使占有、使用、收益和处分的


●建筑工程消防验收总结: 1)针对劳动密集型企业,总建筑面积超过2500平方米的生产加工车间,总建筑面积超过1000平方米的宿舍楼,需


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